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Networking Functions-php

Networking Functions-php PHP Networking Functions-php

Networking Functions-PHP
When using the PHP binaries for Windows that are available from, the getprotobyname(), getprotobynumber(), getservbyport(), and getservbyname() may not function as anticipated under Windows 2000.

DNS resource records:
  • checkdnsrr()
  • getmxrr()
Domain name/IP address lookups and conversions:
  • gethostbyaddr()
  • gethostbyname()
  • gethostbynamel()
  • ip2long()
  • long2ip()
Internet protocol and service information:
  • getprotobynumber()
  • getservbyname()
  • getprotobyname()
  • getservbyport()
PHP 3 debugger (warning: very broken!):
  • debugger_off()
  • debugger_on()
  • fsockopen()
  • pfsockopen()
  • socket_get_status()
  • socket_set_blocking()
  • socket_set_timeout()

    gethostbyaddr() gethostbyname() gethostbynamel() getmxrr() 
    Check whether a given domain name has an MX resource record
    <?php $url = ""; $component = parse_url ($url); checkdnsrr ($component['host'], 'MX') or die ('No MX record exists for <i>$component[host]</i>. Did you enter the URL correctly?'); echo "MX record found for <i>$component[host]</i>"; ?> 
    Networking Functions-PHPfsockopen
    mixed fsockopen(string host, int port, [reference error_number], [reference error_string], [double timeout]) 
    Hostname or IP address
    Port number
    Reference to a variable that will store the system-level error number if the function fails
    Reference to a variable that will store the system-level error message if the function fails
    Number of seconds before the connect system call times out
    Opens a connection to a socket.
    File pointer identifying the open socket; FALSE on failure
    fsockopen() attempts to open a network socket connection to the specified host and port. TCP connections are assumed by default, but UDP connections can be specified by placing udp:// at the start of the host .

    There are three optional arguments: error_number , error_string , and timeout . Both the error_number and error_string arguments must be passed as references, as in &$error_number and &$error_string. If an error occurs, these variables will contain an error code and a message. If the error number is 0, this is usually due to a problem that occurs before the socket initializes, such as an incorrect hostname.

    The timeout argument should contain the maximum number of seconds to wait for a connection before timing out.

open a socket
<?php $host = ''; $port = 80; $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, &$err_no, &$err_msg, 10) or die ("Could not open a socket connection to host <i>$host</i> on port <i>$port</i>. The error message returned was '<i>$err_msg</i>'."); echo "A socket connection to host <i>$host</i> on port <i>$port</i> was successfully opened." ?> 

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