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Target Keywords-specific Places-seo

Target Keywords-specific Places-seo PHP Target Keywords-specific Places-seo

Target Keywords-Specific Places-Seo
Target keywords At Specific Places

• Page title tag.
• Description tag.
• Headlines, sub-headlines and body text.
• Internal (to pages on your site) and external (to pages off your site)
links’ text.
• Image names and alt tags.

The most important thing to do with your page title tag is include your
primary keyword, preferably at the start, followed by any secondary

You also have the option of adding a short message that might entice
readers to click through from a search engine results (SERP) page.
This tactic should increase the clickthrough rateof those who see your
page listed on a search engine results page (SERP).
But it might slightly decrease the number who see your listingin the
first place because those extra words in your page title tag reduce the
power given to the others (your target keywords).
Also, consider adding your site’s brand name to its page title tags as
Google loves strong brands or at least all the signals associated with big
brands, so what’s the difference and brand websites are more likely to
rank well.

Link to related pages on your site from within your body copy. Use your
target keywords (and variations of them) in the linking text.
It’s also good practice to link to other sites, preferably sites that rank well
for your target keywords.

As a guide, don’t have more than 100 links on a page. This includes
menus and footers

Description tag
Your description metatag won’t directly improve your SERPs (search
engine results pages) rankings as its contents are not a ranking factor for
search engines.

But a good description metatag can increase your clickthrough rate once
your site is seen on a SERP and that is a ranking factor.

Headlines, sub-headlines and body text
Use the primary target keyword and variations in headlines, subheadlines and body text.

Take it easy – don’t over-optimize
Don’t stuff target keywords onto the page.

Much better that your sentences are real sentences and you use
variations such as singulars, plurals, synonyms, similar and related

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