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Seashell Knotted Hairstyles

Seashell Knotted Hairstyles Knots,Ponytails,Pull-Throughs,Quick,Twists,Videos,Weaving Seashell Knotted Hairstyles

2 Cute Hairstyles in 1 Tutorial:
Featuring "Seashell Knots"

Seashell Knotted Hairstyles

Today's hairstyle tutorial on "seashell knots" can be used to make a variety of knotted hairstyles. Making just one knot (as shown below) is a quick and simple every day style for girls, teens, or even moms. Or, you can bring the knots all the way down her head for a cute seashell knot braid that resembles a french braid (as shown above.)

The Princess named these knots "seashells" because of their unique shape! Do you see the resemblance? ;)

I'm loving how this braided variation of the knots turned out quite intricate looking. As you can see in the close up below...almost like a maze!
Seashell Knotted Hairstyles
If you prefer to leave your hair mostly down, one single knot is a very simple, sweet, and elegant look. This hairstyle is casual enough for every day wear (school, work.) But also is fancy enough for a special occasion. *Please excuse the semi-blurry picture, it's a screen shot of our video!

Seashell Knotted Hairstyles
Supplies needed:
  • comb or brush
  • 1 small elastic to secure each knot
  • long hair for the braid variation
  • medium hair for the single knot
Seashell Knot Video Tutorial: click here to watch the video directly on YouTube.

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