Top Ten Popular Authors We've Never Read Book haul,Daisy Top Ten Popular Authors We've Never Read

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This week, we're hanging our heads in shame and admitting to the fact that we've not read ALL the popular authors! Try not to judge us too much.
Jana's Picks:
Sarah Ockler (The Book of Broken Hearts, Bittersweet)
Julia Quinn (The Duke and I)
John Green (The Fault in Our Stars, Paper Towns, Looking for Alaska)
Jill Shalvis (Lucky Harbor series)
I KNOW! I'm not even going to justify these picks, because I know there is nothing I can say that will get me out of the doghouse. If it's any consolation, I own at least one book by each of these authors. I just need the time!
Bridget's Picks:
Gayle Forman (If I Stay, etc.)
Also, I've never read anything by John Green, but Jana beat me to it! Anyway, I've been debating about whether to read If I Stay, but I'm not very into tear-jerker-y things (also why I've never read any Jodi Picoult) but feel free to try to convince me otherwise. As far as John Grisham goes, I'm pretty sure I own a few of his books but haven't gotten around to reading them yet. I like thrillers, but I'm generally more into the supernatural-thriller genre than the scary-business-mafia-people-thriller genre.
Tahleen's Picks:
Jodi Picoult (My Sister's Keeper, etc.)
John Grisham (The Firm, etc.)
Tahleen's Picks:
S.E. Hinton (The Outsiders, Rumble Fish, etc.)
I'm actually embarrassed I've never read any Hinton. She pretty much started the whole "books written for teens" thing, plus she was a teen herself when she wrote The Outsiders. I feel like a bad teen librarian. Also, I've never read any Clare, which I feel like I should since she is so prolific and popular, but I've never really been too intrigued by her books. Maybe I would change my mind if I read one.
Cassandra Clare (City of Bones, etc.)
What popular authors have you not read yet? Which ones should we start with?
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