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Answering a Reader Question #273

Answering a Reader Question #273
Anonymous Wrote:

I have always wanted and still want to be a model but i now have five kids i have streach marks on my butt and arms and my hips but i really dont know how to get them clear because i just want to do apperances not be naked but i really need some input please i need help

Hi, Anonymous! The more stretch marks you have, the more difficult it is going to be to pursue modeling seriously. However, that doesn't mean you can't do it at all. I don't know your height, age or if you want to get signed to an agency or pursue freelance modeling, which makes it hard for me to really recommend the right path for your situation. If you do want to go the agency route, you'll want to look online for websites of modeling agencies that have a commercial/print division. Commercial/print models typically don't show a lot of skin, unless it's for mainstream swimwear type stuff. So this category could be more suitable for what you have in mind.

As far as how to get rid of or clear up your stretch marks, as my blog post stated, there really aren't many options that are completely perfect. The older your stretch marks are, the harder they'll be to get rid of. Have you made any attempts to try and treat them, such as using special lotion for lightening/fading the marks or doing laser surgery? Your stretch marks won't go away 100% but if you try a few different methods and stick to the most favorable one over the course of a few months (never expect overnight results), you should be able to find something that will at least make them a bit less noticeable than they already are.

I hope that helps!

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