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Google's Christmas Carols Easter Egg

ldquo Let rsquo s Go Caroling rdquo Google Easter Egg Gives Mobile Users Their Very Own Christmas Carol Karaoke Machine Google rsquo s Christmas Carol Easter Egg Turns Your Phone Into A Karaoke Machine. By Jillian Wong, 20 Dec 2013 Google has a new Easter Egg for Christmas, but this time it's only for mobile devices. Search for let's go caroling using an Android or iOS device or use An unofficial blog that watches Google's attempts to move your Google Maps Easter Egg for Christmas Google's Christmas Carols Easter EggGoogle's Christmas Carols Easter Egg Google has a new Easter Egg for Christmas, but this time it's only for mobile devices. Search for [let's go caroling] using an Android or iOS device or use voice search and say "let's go caroling" and you'll see a list of 5 carols you can play: "Jingle Bells", "Up on the House Top", "Deck the Halls", "O Christmas Tree" and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". Tap one of the carols and Google will start playing the karaoke version of the carol, while also displaying the lyrics.

Google's Christmas Carols Easter Egg
Google's Christmas Carols Easter Egg

Google's Christmas Carols Easter Egg

Maybe this Easter Egg will actually be useful.

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