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Tokwa't Baboy Recipe (Tofu and Pork Vinaigrette)

Crispy Tokwa’t Baboy, Crispy Fried Pork with Tofu. pork face and ears plus fried tokwa or firm tofu, with vinegar, to my other Tokwa’t Baboy recipe, Tokwa't Baboy Recipe (Tofu and Pork Vinaigrette) Tokwa't Baboy, is one good food sidedish that best complements any congee of your choice. Tokwa’t Baboy (Tofu and Pork) chewy tofu, soy sauce, pork broth, vinegar and other I don’t use pig ears for this recipe to make it Tokwa’t Baboy simple
Tokwa't Baboy Recipe (Tofu and Pork Vinaigrette)

Tokwa't Baboy, is one good food sidedish that best complements any congee of your choice. It is also a good finger food (pulutan) on any drinking session. Take it as a pulutan, a sidedish or a snack, Tokwa't Baboy is definitely one of the popular Filipino recipes that won't definitely turn you down.

Serves 6-8 Prep Time 30mins (1 hour if using pork head) Cooking Time 15-20 minutes


2-3 blocks, about 500g (1 lb) tokwa (tofu)
60ml (1/4 cup) oil
1 small onion, chopped
125ml (1/2 cup) vinegar
60ml (1/4 cup) soy sauce
250g (8oz) pork head, simmered in 1 hour, cubed (optional)
500g (1 lb) pork shoulder, simmered 30mins, cubed
2-3 pcs sili panigang (finger chili) as spice (optional)
Chopped spring options, to garnish (optional)
1-2 pinch of pepper (optional)

How To Cook:

Pat the tokwa (tofu) dry if it is moist, then cut into cubes. Heat oil and fry the tokwa (tofu) pieces in batches until they turn brown, about two to three minutes each side. Do not overcook. Remove from heat and drain on paper towels.

*Another way is to cut the tokwa (tofu) in halves horizontally and fry for 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat, drain and cut into cubes.

In a mixing bowl, mix together onion, vinegar, finger chili, and soy sauce. Taste mixture; if it's too sour, add a little amount of water. Let stand for a few minutes for flavors to blend.

In a large bowl, combine the diced pork head, pork shoulder and tokwa (tofu)

Pour the soy sauce/vinegar/chili/onion mixture over the diced meats and tokwa (tofu). Stir to mix. Add pepper if desired. Also, if desired, garnish with spring onions.

Serve as a side dish or finger food.

source :,,

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