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Event news: 4 Week Non-Diet Weight Loss Nutrition + Fitness Class, White Rock, South Surrey

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Event news: 4 Week Non-Diet Weight Loss Nutrition + Fitness Class, White Rock, South Surrey
Hey Everyone!

I'm over the moon excited to announce a very special healthy lifestyle event coming up on November 10th in White Rock. I have teamed up with the most amazing fitness expert and personal trainer, Caszie Schoeber from Fitness on the Go, to bring you the Non-Diet Weight Loss: Nutrition + Fitness Program!

Dates: Monday nights ~ November 10 – December 1, 2014 @7:30 - 9:30pm
Location: 882 Maple St, White Rock Investment: $229 (Early bird $189 if you sign up before November 3!) BONUS: Weekly food demo and samples + Giveaways
If you have struggled with your weight and energy levels and are looking for practical solutions that last a lifetime, then this program is for you. This is truly a one of a kind experience that will not only teach you invaluable skills on how to improve your health and take care of your body, but also taps into the emotional side of healthy weight loss. As part of a supportive group environment you will have a chance to connect with a community of individuals who understand exactly what you are going through. With the help of Caszie and I, plus the other participants, we will keep you accountable, motivated and inspired. You will not only look fabulous for the upcoming holiday season but most importantly feel more comfortable and confident in your own body!

We start with the foundations of healthy eating and exercise and build on new habits each week. Here is the breakdown:
Week 1 - The basics of successful sustainable weight loss: How to read labels, underlying root causes of unhealthy weight gain, foundations of healthy eating and creating healthy habits. Fitness that gets results: creating safe and effective routines.
Week 2 - Rev up your digestion and learn to manage stress: The secrets to lifelong health and weight loss. Fitness: how to overcome obstacles and keep on track.
Week 3 - Overcoming emotional eating and cravings: Finding balance, freedom and love. Fitness: how to overcome negativity and lack of motivation.
Week 4 - Detoxification: The key to hormonal balance and optimizing the release of excess weight and toxins from your system. Fitness: learning to release stress and toxins through movement and yoga.
Who is this program for? Anyone looking to make some healthy changes in their lives to gain more energy and feel fabulous!
Have you struggled with:
  • Losing weight only to gain it back?
  • ​Fad diets, such as the blood type, Atkins, or even veganism?
  • Struggling to lose 5, 10, 15lb or more?
  • Emotional eating?
  • Unstoppable cravings?
  • Self sabotaging and negative self talk?
  • Low energy levels?
  • Digestive issues such as bloating, gas and indigestion?
  • Lack of motivation and knowledge about exercising?
Are you ready to...
  • Introduce new lifelong healthy habits?
  • Learn to take the stress out of food prep and cooking?
  • Fall in love with REAL whole foods?
  • Make peace with your plate?
  • Feel empowered and in charge of your health and weight?
  • Stop counting calories and weighing yourself on a scale?
  • Feel light, joyful and energized?
  • Remove obstacles that have sabotaged your efforts to stay healthy in the past?

What's included?
  1. Meal plan and shopping lists + exclusive "Extra Goodies Recipe E-Book"
  2. Fitness videos
  3. 1.5 hour presentations on nutrition and fitness each week
  4. Food demos and samples each week
  5. Take home printable information on each week's topics
  6. Giveaways + swag bag from our sponsors
  7. You have the power to choose to be healthy and vibrant. Join us for a one of a kind life altering experience today!
We are only accepting a very limited number of participants because we want to ensure personal attention and success with everyone. Click here to sign up!

Love and gratitude from past Non-Diet Weight Loss participants:

"My wife and I participated in the Non-Diet 4 week weight loss program.
I am a big guy 6’ 3” and have been overweight well over 20 years and found it very hard to lose weight. Have tried gym, diets and even starving to no avail. But Annaliisa’s program worked! In the end of the 4th week I had lost 9.5 pounds, a week later 10.5 pounds and it keeps going down!
And I have much more energy now, I always needed a large coffee on afternoons to keep me going but not anymore.
With Non-Diet plan you are not hungry but you do need to give up some foods for 4 weeks, like milk, bread, butter, cheese etc.
The recipes are good and tasty and Annaliisa even included an “Extra Goodies” booklet with healthy snacks and deserts for these occasions when you just had to have a desert or extra snack. We used it quite a few times.
The program also taught us how to eat more healthy and many recipes were so good they became our regulars after the program. Also our appetite has changed, we eat much more salads now than before and have a smoothie almost daily. Highly recommend the program!"

Jaan & Tiivi Luts, North Vancouver

Dates: Monday nights ~ November 10 – December 1, 2014 @7:30 - 9:30pm
Location: 882 Maple St, White Rock Investment: $229 (Early bird $189 if you sign up before November 3!) BONUS: Weekly food demo and samples + Giveaways
We are only taking a very limited amount of participants on this journey with us so if you're ready to feel more energized, create a healthy relationship with food and take on a more healthy and inspired lifestyle then register today!
Click here to sign up!

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