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Cortana learns to speak Klingon at your command #59564

Cortana learns to speak Klingon at your command All Gaming Articles. All Gaming Articles 6 All Gaming Articles 5 All Gaming Articles 4 All Gaming Articles 3 All Gaming Articles 2 Cortana learns to speak Klingon at your command. Microsoft rsquo s Cortana virtual assistant might be sprouting a ridged forehead soon, with the ability to speak Klingon Microsoft's Cortana virtual assistant might be sprouting a ridged forehead soon, with the ability to speak Klingon on command for Windows Phone users.

Microsoft's Cortana virtual assistant might be sprouting a ridged forehead soon, with the ability to speak Klingon on command for Windows Phone users.

As , Microsoft is launching the Windows Phone in the United Kingdom this week, and is also a sponsor for the Destination Star Trek convention in London, so Cortana's new capabilities make for an obvious tie-in.

Unfortunately, Cortana is far from speaking Klingon with fluency. She'll utter a phrase when you ask her to, but she can't hold a conversation or translate from other languages. And as one Neowin commenter , her pronunciation is all wrong. (You can see it in action on .)

In addition to speaking Klingon phrases, Cortana will also respond to certain Star Trek-themed phrases, such as “Beam me up” and “Set phasers to stun.” For now, though, it's unclear exactly when Cortana's next party trick will be widely available.

The story behind the story: It's worth noting that Google has talked for years about . Turns out it was easier than expected. .

source :,,

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