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Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House! #21150


So, it was Monday 7 October 2013 when we and Dr. Cheng decided to induced me 1 week earlier from the original due date (12 October 2013). At 11 am, me and Mr. went to Dr. Henry Cheng clinic to start the induction with something call the pill to thinning the cervix. I feel nothing but a slight cramp. Me and Mr. even went for Dim sum lunch as our " last " - just the two of us - date before the lil love arrived.
I am totally feeling anxious to know that, that day will be the last day for me and Mr. having our life together as couple and embark the new journey as little family in less than 24 hour. I am excited to meet the lil love but worried in the same time of what is waiting for me in labour ward.
I have packed my hospital luggage and all I can think of is to bring my lip balm and mouth spray. -_-'
Thank goodness for the check list I got from the Mt. Alvernia ante natal class.
~ Jadilah gw ma bang Arip mutusin untuk induce the baby 1 minggu lebih cepet dari waktu yg seharusnya..secara kata dokter baby nya uda mulai gedean and kalo makin lama di perut..bakal lebih gede lagi. Hasrat gw kan pengen lahiran normal yo, bukan sok jago..tapi karena mengingat kalo gw harus c-sect sembuhnya lebih lama..sapa yg ngurusin rumah, baby dan diri gw kalo gw ga bisa pulih cepet.

Hari itu 7 October 2013, petantang petenteng gw jalan ke tempat gyane gw untuk di insert pill yang untuk tipisin cervix..trus disuruh ke rumah sakit 6 jam kemudian.

Koper dah eke siapin, dan gw beneran bingung loh mesti bawa apa..karena yg gw kepikiran cuman bawa lip balm sama mouth spray. Sampah banget ye, kenapa yang gw kepikiran cuman ini?
Dan akhirnya, gw buka buka buku pas kelas ante-natal dari Mt. Alvernia. ~
Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!
By around 4.30-ish pm, we have reached Mt. Alvernia hospital and pass the nurse my admission letter. She looked confuse though, she was looking at me and start asking question like " is it for you madam? " D'oh!
I know i might not walk and having the urgent contraction kind but yes, I am on 39 weeks preggie and ready to deliver.
I was admitted to the labour ward for CTG and contraction monitoring.
Nothing fun about labour ward >.<' , in fact it's a bit scary for me. When I was getting ready, I heard the lady next to my ward was screaming in agony! literally like someone is torturing her in the next door.
OMFG, the moment I heard that, I started to cry..not that I feel her, but more to scared - a new level that I ever experienced in my life. It beats my fear of dark ocean.
Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!
Nyampe ke Mt. Alvernia sekitar jam 4.30pm, gw datang dengan hand bag dan surat admission untuk labour dari dokter gw en tanya ke susternya, " ruang labour dimana ya? " hahaha, suster nya liat gw dari atas ke bawah trus ke perut gw en bilang " Is it for you? " Ya eyalaaaah sus, masa buat bang Arip?

Masuk ke ruang bersalin, gw langsung parnoan tahap tinggi..disuruh ganti baju sama suster nya en di pump dr belakang untuk clean bowel movementnya. Pas gw di toilet, labour ward sebelah ada orang tereak tereak kayak abis kena potong gitu..langsung dong ga pake lama, aer mata gw ngalir dengan sempurna.
Damn damn! Gw takut luar biasa dan gw sambil nangis aer mata rintik cuman berdoa " semoga ini semua come to an end soon " - dah kayak mo disalib. hahahaha..*lebay mampus*

Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!
I was on natural delivery with epidural (ended up - assisted natural delivery with epidural )
The epidural doc came and start injecting my spine to insert the epidural, it was not as painful as I thought it would be..but it's definitely a super weird feeling and a bit stinging on your spine when Doc inserted the needle and i arched back in reflex, and the doc was like " u gotta help me by stay curving in "
I know lah doc, but can't help it.
Rencana awal sih mo nya natural delivery pake epidural, ternyata ya ada yang bilangin ke gw kalo suntik tu epidural rada2 nyengit dikit gitu di tulang punggung, gw sampe yang " anjeng! " dalem ati pas tu jarum masuk, dan tak ingin aku mengulangnya lagi. Huhuhuhu.
Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!
Some weird thing about epidural reacting in my body.
I didn't feel any contraction at all, but am in extreme pain when the Doc do the internal cervix check.
..and apparently they need to maximise the dose for me, and see how it goes from there..or else, I need to do the emergency c-sect.
Oh, ini something yg baru gw tau soal epidural lagi..ternyata bisa numb-in bagian tubuh sebagian2 ya?
Kaki, perut sama pinggang gw sama sekali ga berasa sakit pas kontraksi dateng..tapi cervix gw ga numb dong, waktu diubek ubek sama dokter gw sampe kesakitan sendiri..Huhuhu..agak2 traumatic deh pengalaman di ruang bersalin gw ini. Dan akhirnya, dokternya bilang " kita panggil dokter epiduralnya en tanya what can be done, kl ga harus emergency c-sect "
Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!
I am not against c-sect methode of delivery, but I prefer natural birth with epidural due to the healing process, so when I heard about emergency c-sect, I kinda feel mixed up but on the other hand..I want that moment to be over and I am looking forward to deliver safely and meet my lil love soon.
By 11 pm, the Doc did another internal cervix check and i was only 1 cm dilated. Super wtf, it's been 12 hours since the first induction they did on me and i was only 1 cm dilated??
Doc Cheng said that they are expecting my lil love to arrived by the next day afternoon.
For the first time in my life, I prayed non stop. Haha!
I prayed that let the miracle help me to dilated fast and I will meet my lil love before morning..I was praying for the natural birth, the safe delivery, the pain, the baby, myself and everything I could think of.
Again, God is so good to us, it was pretty amazing from 11 pm to 2 am..I was dilated from 1 cm to 7 cm, and on that very moment, I know that whatever I asked in His name, I shall received.
Sebenernya gw ga anti c-sect sama sekali, cuman mengingat nasib gw di SG kan sebagai wanita bekerja, embak di rumah yang semua-mua nya gw urus sendiri, rasanya kl c-sect agak2 rempong yah! Dan waktu dokter bilang gw mungkin harus emergency yang langsung drop gw deh, cuman ya apa mo dikata yah? gw agak agak pasrah tapi tak rela gitu deh..hahaha..tapi karena mengingat gw pengen banget moment gw di ruang bersalin itu cepetan kelar dan pengen ketemu the lil love, gw bilang ke Arip..ya sudahlah..rela lah gw kl harus c- sect.

Jam 11 malem, pembukaan gw di cek lg sama dokter, dan dong sodara sodar..cuman bukaan 1 cm doang.
Heloooo, ngapain aja itu pill en drip induksi dari pagi sampe malem 12 jam gini baru bukaan 1? Dokter cheng, akhirnya bilang " kalo gini yah kira2 besok siang lah baby lu baru kuar "
Yaoloooo, lama bener en eke laper cui.

Trus, di ruang bersalin baru pertama kali doa tiada henti..lebay banget emang*
Gw doa sampe ketiduran trus bangun lagi en doa lagi supaya semua dilancarin sama Tuhan..supaya gw tetep bisa lahirnya natural, gw baby semua sehat en sampe lebay gw berdoa minta ampun kali kali gw lewat on the spot, gw pengen masuk sorga. Huahahhaha..

Eh tapi Tuhan baek, dari jam 11pm sampe jam 2am..pembukaan gw tiba tiba dr bukan 1 langsung ke bukaan 7. Horeee!

By around 4.30 am, the nurse starts to on the light and asking me to start pushing because the baby's head is still way too was a painful moment for me, and which is why I am not sure as well - to know that I am still on epidural..but I feel the pain. Soon after a few push, Doc Cheng was in and ready to help me with the delivery..He brought in some forceps for the baby head and start asking me to push.
Sekitar jam 4.30 pagi..ada midwife nya mulai dateng en mulai suruh gw push dulu soalnya kepala baby nya masih tinggi banget. Dan aneh banget, walo gw pake epidural..tapi gw berasa suakit pol loh! Ga berapa lama setelah beberapa kali push, dokter Cheng dateng dan siap eksekusi :P
Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!

A freaking big 9 pushes with the help of 2 nurses pushing my belly down, our son;
Ethan Arelson Nuradi greet the world.
He was placed on my chest the moment he was out and all I could think of is " am I still in this world? "
I was so much in pain and the Doc (and actually myself too) thought I could not made it, but hell yeah!
Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!

9x bo gw coba nge push dan juga dibantu 2 suster yang ngedorong perut gw kayak ngedorong mobil mogok, dan akhirnya..Tadaaaa..
Ethan Arelson Nuradi hadir!
( yang ikutan kuis nama-karena ga ada yang nebak bener, jadi yang nebak nama ethan akan diundi yooo)

Pas Ethan kuar, dia ditarok di dada gw..dan gw nya masi berasa dunia berputar..puyeng jek, nge-push 9 x geto..tapi yah, puji Tuhan..eke berhasil lahirin normal juga. :)

3.49kg - 52 cm
Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!

Hello my little love..welcome to our little family :)
We've been waiting for you, and thank you for being the answer of our pray.
Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!

Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!

Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!
Daddy's boy
And yeah, now that I officially a mommy..please welcome me to the Zombie night and the many joyful moments to come.
And oh, if you read my blog before..I am under Dr. Henry Cheng as my gynae, I am thankful for him and his clinic's team..especially Ms. Sharon - and one amazing thing about Dr. Henry Cheng is his stitching technique down below, I don't know how he do it..but I can walk in the same day that I gave birth. Some people said it takes them several days to walk because the stitching is too painful and whatsoever. As for me, it is painful la..but manageable :)
I really think he is a very very good gynae, patience and I think he is one caring Doc especially in the labour room. His charges is reasonable and every bill in his clinic is transparent.
If I am still around in Singapore and go for the second one, I definitely going back to him.
Dr. Henry ChengWomen's Specialist Centre Bishan add : Blk502, St. 11, #01-356 Tel : 6552 7377
Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!

Say hi to my lil love :)
Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!
Now, stay tuned for my journey with Preg massage for my post natal healing :)
Ethan Arelson Nuradi is in Da House!

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