Just a quickie post today because I'm knee-deep in finalizing my book manuscript! A couple more proofreads and it should be available on Amazon in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited! Of course I'll keep you informed about when you can buy your own copy and copies for all your friends, coworkers and family for holiday presents (hint-hint!).
Book or no book, there is always something going on around here! In the course of walking from the tram stop to my husband's company party a couple of weekends ago, we noticed a huge market set up in the square surrounding one of the giantest churches in existence.The next day we went back and visited the market during open hours.
Of course, I did research about it all beforehand. The market is called Auer Dult and it's held three times a year. The first part of the name, Auer, is because it's on the river Au. The second part, Dult, comes from an old German term meaning "observance". The fair started as part of a religious observance of some sort. Today, the word Dult just means "fair". This is the only time I've ever seen the word used for anything. The market's focus is on household goods these days because the religious fair evolved into a gathering of artisans and guilds who provided things like pots and pans, tools, and ceramics. Today, the household-goods theme is adhered to very loosely. In addition to wooden spoons, ceramic bowls and brooms, there was a whole row of people hawking merch just like infomercials. There were about 300 stalls selling such diverse items as antiques, books, Christmas decorations, silverware and snacks. Plus there were kiddie rides.
The giant church is called Mariahilfkirche ("Mary Help Church") and the surrounding square is Mariahilfplatz. We were somewhat familiar with the area because the immigration office is just across the street. In fact, I visited the church some time ago while my husband was taking care of his work permit paperwork there. I didn't have my camera at the time, but I plan to go back for church pictures. Stay tuned.
The market was different, though. I had camera in hand and here are some shots from the market.

Do carnivals in the States even have real ponies anymore?
Of course there was a little Gasthaus and Biergarten just outside the fair: Hope you enjoyed the trip to the Auer Dult. I could have spent a million Euros there. But I'm going back the next time with lots of money in my pocket!
Photo for No Apparent Reason:
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