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Thailand, I'll be back!
On 19/09 we landed in Thailand (Bangkok). We went to our hotel for night, preparing for a big day tomorrow (my birthday). Everything was planned and organised in advance; I booked hotel, transfer and a guide for a day. Later on, I would realize it was excellent move, as Thai language is unique and we wouldn't be able to understand anything from their signs (although airport and some tourist zones have English writings as well). If I had to describe Bangkok in a few words it would be People, Food, Temples and Royals. People are genuinely nice and so quite, very polite and kind. Food is unbelievably tasty, fresh and natural. I'd be happy to go back to Thailand just for food. Temples are grandiose, beautiful and with so many details. I like the fact that you have to be decently dressed and take your shoes off when entering temples. Royals are well respected here, their pictures are everywhere; Thai people love their King and Queen, who take good care of country and citizens.19/09 smo sletjeli u Tajland (Bankok). Smjestili smo se u hotel, pripremajuci se za sutradasnji veliki dan (moj rodjendan). Sve je vec bilo isplanirano i rezervisano; hotel, transport i vodic za jedan dan. Kasnije sam shvatila da je to bio odlican zahvat, posto je Tajlandski jezik sasvim unikatan i ne bismo bili sposobni ista shvatiti iz njihovih znakova (mada aerodrom i neke turisticke zone imaju i Engleske natpise).Kad bih morala opisati Bankok u parrijeci, to bi bilo Ljudi, Hrana, Hramovi i Kraljevina.Ljudi su ovdje istinski fini i tako tihi, veoma ljubazni i usluzni.Hrana je nevjerovatno ukusna, svjeza i prirodna. Rado bih se vratila u Tajland samo zbog hrane.Hramovi su grandiozni, prekrasni i sa mnogo detalja. Svidjelo mi se to sto morate biti pristojno obuceni i izuti svoju obucu pri ulasku u hram.Kralj i kraljica su ovdje veoma postovani; njihove slike svuda po gradu. Tajlandjani vole svoje 'royals', koji vode divnu brigu o zemlji i stanovnicima.

Grand Palace
Thailand, I'll be back!
Thailand, I'll be back!Can you imagine how much time would take for1,5 cm small tiles to be stuck on this huge golden building? The Golden Mount (Wat Saket) / Mozete li zamisliti koliko vremena je trebalo da se 1,5 cm zlatne plocice polijepe po povrsini ove ogromne gradjevine? Zlatno Brdo (Wat Saket)

Temple of Dawn (Wat Arun) / Hram Zore (Wat Arun)
Thailand, I'll be back!Thailand, I'll be back!
Thailand, I'll be back!Thailand, I'll be back!
Lots of gold and beautiful details / Gomile zlata i divnih detalja!
Thailand, I'll be back!

Thailand, I'll be back!Thailand, I'll be back!

Thailand, I'll be back!

Blessings at Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew) / Blagoslovljavanje u Hramu Emerald Bude (Wat Phra Kaew)
Thailand, I'll be back!
Thailand, I'll be back!

Thailand, I'll be back!
Grandious buildings with many different styles; many temples and hundreds of Buddhas. / Grandiozne gradjevine sa razlicitim stilovima; mnogo hramova sa stotinama Buda.
Thailand, I'll be back!Thailand, I'll be back!Temple of the Reclining Buddha (Wat Pho) / Hram Lezeceg Bude, Wat Pho

Preparing for Canal tour / Pripremamo se za obilazak naseljenih kanala
Thailand, I'll be back!

Thailand, I'll be back!
Accsess to homes is available only from water side. / Prilaz kucama je moguc samo sa vode.

Thailand, I'll be back!
Canal names are neatly displayed , so you don't get lost. / Nazivi kanala su postavljeni, tako da se ne zagubite.

Thailand, I'll be back!Thailand, I'll be back!

Poor and rich live in canal areas. / Siromasni i bogati zive na vodi.
Thailand, I'll be back!
Thailand, I'll be back!

Lunch on 'floating market'. I thought I know how good are Thai flavours...I was so wrong! Nothing is so fresh and tasty as here.

Rucak na 'plivajucoj' pijaci. Mislila sam da znam kako je Tai hrana dobra... Greska! Nista se ne moze usporediti sa ovako svjezom i ukusnom hranom ovdje.

Thailand, I'll be back!Thailand, I'll be back!

Thailand, I'll be back!
Through Bangkok's busy streets to China market; OMG, so many products, and so crowdy!

Kroz zastopane ulice Bankoka do Kineske pijace; Moj boze, toliko razlicitih proizvoda i tako puno ljudi!

Thailand, I'll be back!
Thailand, I'll be back!

Tuk-Tuk as most common form of transport. /
Tuk- tuk je najzastupljenije prevozno sredstvo.

Thailand, I'll be back!
Thailand, I'll be back!

Thailand, I'll be back!Thailand, I'll be back!
Best guide ever, lovely Po. / Najbolji vodic ikada, draga Po.

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