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[Kelapa] Some Black Pepper Benefits for Health

Some Black Pepper Benefits for Health - We know that black pepper is often used as a spice in the kitchen in the flavor of food. Black pepper has a Latin name Piper Ningrum L is derived from India, pepper is downloading so foods that provide the delicious taste of its own. Not only India, but also Indonesia also like black pepper.

Black pepper is not only useful as a spice in the kitchen, but the black pepper has a million other benefits for the sake of health. After eating it you will know why people love spicy food. Eating spicy foods will make a warm body, will make the body be relieved, that's one reason experts recommend that people with influenza, cough, to consume pepper. Because warmth is able to liquefy phlegm and relieve nasal congestion.
Some Black Pepper Benefits for Health
If you are picking the pepper when old, ie when it is dark, then you will get the content of resin on outer skin. Resin is absent in white pepper (pepper picked when ripe). The outer shell of black pepper is easily processed into oil. Pepper oil is usually used for the benefit of perfume. If a perfume oils contain lots of pepper, the higher the price of the perfume.

One of the benefits of pepper is to cure vitiligo disease. The vitiligo disease is a disease that causes skin color is not the same, partly white and partly colored is dark. If you are experiencing this problem, pepper oil can be a solution. Because the pepper oil contains piperine which can activate the skin pigment.

In addition, piperine in pepper is also good to drive out fat. Piperine works to inhibit the formation of fat cells, and can reduce fat levels in the blood. It is very good for blood circulation. By way of this work, the pepper can be a cure for hypertension and prevent coronary heart disease. In addition, the pepper is also good for consumption by obese people because of the pepper can erode fat pile.

Why pepper is so beneficial to health? whatever content of pepper, Pepper contains various important substances needed by the body, including: vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin A. While the minerals contained in it are potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and sodium. Vitamins and minerals are needed by the body in small scale, but its function is vital. If there is short on one of them, then your metabolism will be inhibited.

However, it is not advisable to consume too much pepper, because there will be side effects, such as the body has a sense of excessive heat that makes your heart flutter, and diarrhea may also occur.

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