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[Bread] Monogrammed Pumpkin Cookies - What's better than a polka dot, monogrammed pumpkin cookie?
How about a DOUBLE-DECKER, polka dot, monogrammed pumpkin cookie?
Monogrammed Pumpkin Cookies
What if I told you that this is the simplest design to recreate? I'm not sure if you guys have noticed, but I LOVE a simple cookie. They're my favorite. Easier to make = quicker getting to my tummy.

Monogrammed Pumpkin Cookies
If you've never made a double-decker cookie before, it's time. What are you waiting for?!? Two cookies in one!!!

Let me show you how to make them. They're perfect for class parties or sharing with the neighbors!
Monogrammed Pumpkin Cookies

To make monogrammed pumpkins, you'll need:
Monogrammed Pumpkin Cookies
Use #2 tips to outline both the pumpkin (in orange) and the letters (in green). Add the stem of the pumpkin with the green icing.

Thin the orange, green and white with water, a bit at a time, stirring with a silicone spatula, until it is the consistency of a thick syrup. (Reserve some of the piping consistency green icing for attaching the cookies later.) You'll want to drop a "ribbon" of icing back into the bowl and have it disappear in a count of "one thousand one, one thousand two." Four is too thick, one is too thin. Count of 2-3 is good. Cover with a damp dishcloth and let sit for several minutes.

Stir gently with a silicone spatula to pop and large air bubbles that have formed. Pour into squeeze bottles as needed.

Fill in the outlines with the thinned icing, using a toothpick to guide to the edges and to pop large air bubbles.

Monogrammed Pumpkin Cookies
For the letters, work about 3-6 cookies at a time, filling with the green icing. Small filled areas are susceptible to cratering, so take care not to overfill and run a toothpick through the icing to dislodge air bubbles. Go back to the first cookie filled and add small dots of the thinned white icing with a toothpick. (This is a trick I learned from my friend, Lupita.)

Let the cookies dry uncovered, 6-8 hours, or overnight.

Here are the letters drying in the dehydrator...
Monogrammed Pumpkin Cookies

Aren't they cute??!
Monogrammed Pumpkin Cookies
(I think I bought these cookie cutters at Hobby Lobby, but I just bought a 100-piece set of cutters...because I *needed* 100 more Home Goods that has letters as well.)

Monogrammed Pumpkin Cookies
Apply piping consistency icing to the back of the letter cookies...just a few dots will do, we don't want oozing. Actually, a little oozing is fine, but you don't need a lot of icing to make the letter cookies stick.

Monogrammed Pumpkin Cookies
Gently press in place on the pumpkin cookie. Let dry for 30 minutes or more to set.

Monogrammed Pumpkin Cookies
These were so much fun to make. I hope you'll try them at home, too.

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