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[Natural Beauty] Why Detox? Top Health Benefits of Doing a Cleanse

Why Detox? Top Health Benefits of Doing a Cleanse - Hey There Health Seeker!

As we move toward the warmer seasons and watch nature transform from gray and drab to green and vibrant, we might be tempted to take on the challenge to give ourselves a transformation. The cold and dark winter days can leave anyone feeling a bit heavy and dull. It's totally natural to feel this way. Your body is designed to stay in tune with nature and cold weather means we naturally crave more warming comfort foods. It's totally normal to even put on a few extra pounds during the winter, as your body goes into a hibernation and tries to protect itself from the cold by adding an extra layer under your skin:)
But spring is here now, and summer is just around the corner. This means our bodies naturally want to feel lighter and more energized. The thing about those dirty toxins is, they like to take up home in our fat cells. The more body fat you accumulate, the more stored toxic waste you also accumulate. Lucky for us, our totally awesome bodies are equipped with some pretty amazing self cleansing mechanisms. We are designed in a magnificent way to neutralize and eliminate toxic waste. Unfortunately, the pollution found in the air, water and food we eat, can overburden our detox organs and leave our bodies depleted and fatigued. As our detox organs colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin become over-loaded with toxic material, we begin to have symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, depression and headaches. Our bodies try to protect us from dangerous substances by isolating and surrounding them with mucous and fat so that they will not cause an imbalance or trigger an immune response. Over time, the toxins accumulated in your cells can lead to illness. Even if you have a pretty clean diet, a spring cleanse can revitalize your system and rid your body of harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Find out how your body benefits from doing a cleanse!
Why Detox? Top Health Benefits of Doing a Cleanse
Increased energy

By removing toxins, our body will be able to function at its best and most efficient, which will naturally increase your energy levels. By adding more living enzyme rich foods to our diet, we give the body a chance to focus on spending energy elsewhere, not just on breaking down our food. Adding more whole foods to your diet will also help to boost your energy levels as they contain a variety of vitamins and minerals your body uses to produce energy. Furthermore, detoxing will help to boost your adrenal function, providing you with balanced energy levels and better sleep patterns.

Prevent chronic disease

Toxins can be responsible for many serious and chronic diseases, such as cancer. An overload of toxins can lead to dysfunction in the body by interfering and damaging enzymes required for important metabolic reactions. Toxins can be attributed with causing endocrine disruption leading to glandular imbalances, neurological diseases, depression, and general fatigue. By reducing our toxic load we can help prevent disease.
Weight loss

Toxins affect the body's natural ability to burn fat, leading to weight gain. The liver plays a central role in the metabolism of any type of calorie. When your liver is clogged with toxins, it has difficulty breaking down fat to use as fuel. An under functioning liver will also cause hormonal imbalance, which in turn can lead to fatigue and weight-gain. Detoxing rids the body of toxins stored in fat cells and increases metabolism. Detoxing the body will also help to reduce cravings and addictions, which can lead to an unhealthy weight and depression.

Enhance immune system function

Detoxing helps to strengthen immune system and fight off infection. The lymphatic vessels are like a sewage system for cellular metabolic toxins. Lymph nodes provide antigens for purifying fluids containing anything from allergens to cancer cells. By following detoxifying lifestyle recommendations, such as dry skin brushing and gentle exercise, you can help the lymphatic system perform optimally.

Slow premature aging
Detoxing rids the body of free radicals and heavy metals partially responsible for aging. Detoxing also helps to increase nutrient absorption, including antioxidants and vitamins that help fight oxidative stress, leaving you looking and feeling youthful and glowing.

Glowing skin

The skin is the largest organ of detoxification. Whatever toxins are not eliminated through the intestines and digestive tract will come out through the skin. The liver governs a lot of hormone filtration, but also the making of hormones. If the liver function is impaired by toxic overload, we are more susceptible to hormonal imbalance and in turn suffer from skin conditions such as acne. Flooding your body with detoxifying and beautifying foods will give you a natural healthy glow, more elasticity (less wrinkles), reduce inflammation (Rosacea) and clear up clogged acne prone skin.

Mental , emotional and spiritual clarity
The action of cleansing and purifying the body helps to release stagnation, making room for revitalized easily flowing energy. When the body's systems are aligned, a shift also occurs with our mental and emotional states. We can make better decisions, analyze accurately, and see things differently. As your body releases toxins, it also begins to release layers of emotions. Cleansing is all about getting to those deep rooted toxins and flushing them out of your system. Some toxic feelings such as anxiety, anger and fear may surface, giving you a chance to deal with deep rooted pain. Emotions that are stored in the body can start to manifest into the physical body through aches and pains, creating a stagnant liver, depression, among other serious illnesses.
Why Detox? Top Health Benefits of Doing a Cleanse Ready to reap the all the benefits of doing a cleanse? Sign up to receive your FREE copy of Season to Cleanse: Detox Success 101. In this sneak peak into the program I will let you in on all the secrets to achieving your detox goals + give you a head start with a detox preparation meal plan!

To join us on a journey to feeling lighter, energized and joyful, sign up here!
Why Detox? Top Health Benefits of Doing a Cleanse

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