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[Packaging] The Container Quest - a Rant and a Small Victory

The Container Quest - a Rant and a Small Victory
If you've been reading this blog a while, you know I am on a never-ending, die-hard quest for quality, classy-looking cosmetics and make-up containers of all kinds.

Considering the laughably low order-placing capabilities LisaLise has, my requirements are ridiculously lofty.

There is logic behind the madness – even though perfection may not be attained, there's always the chance of getting pretty darn close.

The First Choice Living in Europe, it's natural for me to prefer a European supplier. The lower shipping cost and Euro-standard quality control and documentation makes it a bit of a no-brainer.

But it's not just location. Sustainable materials and production methods that consider the environment will also always be sought out and favored.

Do the containers always meet every requirement? No, but that doesn't stop me from trying.

Where Everyone Fails (a mini-rant) Even though I may sound like a Euro-favoritist, I'm not. There are some things European cosmetics packaging suppliers absolutely suck at – like deodorant stick containers.

I'm pretty sure the first company in Euroland to even offer a deodorant stick container is going to have a flurry of customers.

Because from what I have been able to find over the past four hundred and forty thousand years of non-stop trying, Europe – in its entirety – has exactly ZERO suppliers of this item.






... sigh

North America, on the other hand, seems to have non-stop choices in styles, endless possibilities in sizes and colors, a trillion different smart-looking designs, prices for every budget, AND to top off all this amazingness – the possibility of ordering just one item – all across the continent!

In my book, North America is deodorant stick container heaven. (insert choir of angels here)


..then you see what they (all) charge for shipping overseas.

And then you factor in what customs is going to slam you for once they arrive.

And then you realize your perfect, fabulous deodorant stick container is going to have to stay where it is – in North America.


But, despite all this ranting and raging, there is a bit of good news today. It's that adorable little black jar you see above.

One Small Victory Either I'm getting a little better at finding containers or more cosmetics packaging companies are beginning to accept orders in smaller amounts.

Since beginning my quest for the perfect lotion bar butter last Fall, I've been hunting around for a classy small container – one that looked cute as a button and would hold a sample sized lotion bar.

When I happened across this little black aluminium tin, I was so excited I threw caution to the wind and placed a fairly large order.

As luck would have it, they turned out to be perfect. Labels have been designed and I am now stocked and ready to include lotion bar samples in upcoming order deliveries to my customers.

Perhaps A Bit of Celebration I can't help thinking a lotion bar giveaway would be a fitting end to the 'best butter for lotion bars' quest. After all, the winning butter must be announced, and that will certainly call for a bit of celebration.

Stay tuned.

More Container Quest Fun Sometimes, a container can even inspire the contents.

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