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What is Diabetes - Health Tips

What is - Diabetes is a chronic disease that impairs the body to use food properly. By eating these foods break down to become a form of sugar called glucose, which is the fuel that cells use to provide the body the necessary energy. This process of converting food into energy is called metabolism. To metabolize glucose properly, the body needs a substance called insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas (which is a gland located below the stomach), whose function is to regulate the use of glucose in the body and therefore is essential in the metabolic process.

Insulin works by allowing the glucose to stay in the cells for subsequent use as fuel, while maintaining the levels of blood glucose within normal range (70-110 mg / dl).

People with diabetes do not produce enough insulin to metabolize glucose, or insulin produced does not work efficiently, so the glucose can not be accommodated in the cells to be transformed into energy (metabolism) and accumulates in the blood levels high. Diabetes is a serious disease, but people with diabetes can live long, healthy and happy if well controlled.

Although there is still no cure for diabetes, it can be controlled. The main goal of treatment is to maintain levels of blood sugar (glucose) as near as possible normal range (70-110 mg / dl) for the longest time. There are three types of diabetes (type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes) and treatment depend on the type of diabetes.

People with Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) can work and study and do well. The discipline necessary to maintain good control of diabetes, diabetics usually makes better workers and students. People with Diabetes, required to eat at set hours, but can even perform activities that require great physical effort.

COMPLICATIONSAre serious complications: kidney problems, lower limb amputations and blindness.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Excessive urination, thirst, blurred vision and very dry skin.

Is there a cure for diabetes? What treatments are available?

Diabetes has no cure, but it is controllable. It is necessary for both the patient and family to receive medical care from a team so they can learn to treat it. In addition, there are teams measure the amount of sugar in the body within a certain time. Thus the diabetic know if the treatment you are using is right or not.

What should people do to prevent this illness?
For example, the pre-diabetic patient, ie, does not have the disease but who have their blood glucose or sugar level between 110 and 125, start to care. Thus, to prediabetic are advised to exercise five times a week, walk at least 30 minutes and down between 5 and 7 percent body weight

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