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Dragon Fruit Has Benefits for Pregnant Women

Dragon Fruit Has Benefits for Pregnant Women Kelapa Dragon Fruit Has Benefits for Pregnant Women

Dragon Fruit has Benefits for Pregnant Women - The dragon fruit has a beautiful shape with dazzling flowers. This plant grows in Southeast Asia, Central America, South America and Mexico. Color red fruit with scales like a dragon, perhaps for this reason that this fruit called dragon fruit. These plants include cactus in a class, it's just fruit. Flesh color is white and some are red.
Dragon Fruit has Benefits for Pregnant Women
Dragon fruit has many benefits for pregnant women.
The main benefits of dragon fruit is: Dragon fruit contains a lot of nutrients in it, because the content is, the dragon fruit is very much in demand and has even been cultivated.

dragon fruit beneficial to pregnant because this fruit contains a lot of vitamin C and contain folates, fiber and carotenoids, these substances are very beneficial for pregnant women. Folates helpful in the formation of red blood cells. And one of the effects of folates deficiency in pregnant women are giving birth to children with disabilities at brain nerves or neural tube defects.
Other benefits of dragon fruit Dragon fruit also contain carbohydrates, good carbohydrates are fruits pregnant women because it can eliminate the fatigue that often occurs in pregnant women. In dragon fruit also contains calcium, iron, potassium. All these substances are very useful pieces also pregnant women, because it can boost immunity against diseases that often attack pregnant women.
Dragon fruit contains vitamin B1 Vitamin b1 is important for pregnant women, as it helps the growth of fetus in the womb, digestive launched. Vitmain b1 deficiency in pregnant women will lead to fatigue, impaired digestion, embossed disease beriberi.
How to enjoy dragon fruit Dragon fruit is known to be very tasty and delicious to eat. If you want to enjoy the special dragon fruit with flavor, you need to pay attention to how. Peel the skin of the dragon fruit, take the meat, cut like a cube, then enter low-fat milk, mix ice cubes, then blend. Dragon fruit drinks ready to serve.

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