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Melon Benefits for Health

Melon Benefits for Health Kelapa Melon Benefits for Health

6 Melon Benefits for Health - His name is similar to a lemon, but the benefits of melon also did not lose much. The round shape seem like fruit bushes, almost like watermelon. All the pieces have different properties.

Melon is the name of the fruit, the plants that produce it are included in interest-gourd or Cucurbitaceae. The fruit is eaten fresh as a dessert or as a mixture of sliced ​​fruit. Edible part is the pulp (Mesocarp). Its texture is soft, white to red, depending kultivarnya.
6 Melon Benefits for Health
Many do not know that the health benefits of melon for is important, because it can ward off a dangerous disease. No one is eating a melon once a month, and recommended for the elderly, because the elderly are more susceptible to dangerous diseases.
6 Melon Benefits for Health1. Anti cancer
Melon fruit contains carotenoids is high, so that the fruit can prevent cancer and reduce the risk of lung cancer. Melon fruit can prevent and kill cancer seeds that will invade our bodies. So try to avoid eating melon cancer.

2. Anti stroke/heart
Melon contains an anticoagulant called adenosine, is able to stop the clotting of blood cells which can lead to stroke or heart disease.

3. Launching defecation
Melons can launch a bowel movement, when we are experiencing digestive problems, it is easy to eat melons and smooth bowel movement. Water content in the melon is very good for digestion. Mineral content is able to eliminate the acidity of the body need to be eliminated because it can interfere with digestion, particularly in the stomach organ.

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