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Answering a Reader Question #305

Answering a Reader Question #305
Maia Wrote:

I am going to be modeling in a runway show where the proceeds go to fund a safehouse for people who have run away from human trafficking. I am modeling the finale look and have to pose with my wrists at 90 degrees (designer's choice) I have to have eight standing poses. Do you have ideas for me? Thanks so much. I love your blog.
ps. the designer is trying to make black nails an awareness symbol of trafficking like the pink ribbon is an awareness symbol of breast cancer. Think you could pass this along?

Hi there, Maia! That is a really great cause that you're participating in! I'll Tweet about it and spread the word about the black nail/trafficking awareness you mentioned (this post will also be public to my readers, which will also help spread the word). That's interesting that the designer wants you to do 8 poses with your wrists at 90 degrees...hmm...well, since it is a runawy show, you'll basically want to create dynamic poses by changing your stance/position on the stage. For example, one pose could be you facing the crowd face on, then turning to your left for a 3/4 stance, then turning to your right for another 3/4 stance. You could also do a stance where you are posing with your back to the crowd, where you're looking over your shoulder. You could also try leaning your weight on one leg and bending your other leg slightly at the knee, then switching sides and doing the same thing. There is also the option of doing an online image search to see if there are any additional standing poses that would be similar to what you'll be doing.

I hope that helps...I know you'll knock 'em dead! Good luck!

source :,,

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