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An iPhone Thief Did The Unbelievable

I was mugged last night and the thief took my iPhone 4S. I proceeded as follows: Now I'm left wondering what the thief can do/see with it. The iPhone thief took out an iPhone from his victim's Zou Bin pocket while sitting together in a taxi. Download Amazing Thief and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, the sequel to Amazing Thief is coming very soon : Check out all our amazing games, Amazing Thief iPhone game all the latest images, news, reviews, user reviews, previews, cheats, guides, help and forums.
An iPhone Thief Did The Unbelievable
A thief is a thief but some thieves are of a different mindset. So is the story of a thief that did the unexpected in China earlier today.
The iPhone thief took out an iPhone from his victim's (Zou Bin) pocket while sitting together in a taxi.
Zou Bin, who is the owner of the phone which contains about 1000 contacts was pissed and furious which gave birth to the conversation below.
"I know you are the man who sat beside me. I can assure you that I will find you,” Bin said in a text message to the thief.
“Look through the contact numbers in my mobile and you will know what trade I am in,” he continued. “Send me back the phone to the address below if you are sensible.”
According to reports, Bin works in an industry long reported to have links with gang activity.
Days after sending his message, Bin received a parcel containing his SIM card and pages of handwritten contact numbers — although no iPhone.
Chinese Internet users have given the thief a pass, however — labeling him “the conscience of the (theft) industry”.
“What a sympathetic and faithful thief, one who values professional ethics,” posted a user on Sina Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.
It could be a bluff but am sure the thief didn't wanna take chances if his victim is really one that can track him down and deal a good amount of blows on his face or send some guys with a short axe like the one in the image.
An iPhone Thief Did The Unbelievable
Well, perhaps, such threat can work if you find yourself in the same position. Just remember to save random people's name with killing titles.

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