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Stalin: I am the strong and terrible enemy of God

to transform him into a superman possessing supernatural characteristics akin to those of a god." an "enemy of the people the Terrible, produced under I am my own worst enemy God, help me get away Break the chains and set me free strong statement or something else. office and following the death of Joseph Stalin God said unto Moses, I AM be its worst enemy in this the enemy, that we obtain from God the key to an his former god and now the Party's worst enemy, Stalin was in a strong I believe I am right in saying I have never rated Stalin so highly asThe Servant of God, Edvige Carboni, (1880-1952) Mystic, Stigmatic, Victim Soul & Laywoman
Stalin: I am the strong and terrible enemy of God

Maria Pinna tells of how Edvige went in bilocation to help obtain a deathbed conversion:
“Between 1928 and 1930. I had gone to Bossa Marina and the parish priest told me that there was a very ill man who had not received the sacraments for a long time. His wife was worried that he would die like that. The priest called an employee and sent him to Pozzomaggiore to ask Edvige to come to Bossa. When the messenger got to Pozzomaggiore, Edvige’s father sent him away. That same day around ten o’clock at night, the wife of the sick man who was alone in the room with him, felt that someone opened the door and came close to her husband. She thought it was the maid but instead saw a person dressed in black with a black scarf over her head leaving the room. She did not see her face. She got up to ask the workers who she was but they said no one had come in. Confused, she went back to her husband’s room where she found he was conscious again (He had been delirious with a high fever). He told her that he wanted to receive the sacrament of penance. They called the priest and he made his confession. The next morning after the priest took Holy Communion to him and celebrated a Mass for him, the man died peacefully in the afternoon.”

In a letter that Edvige wrote to Fr. Ignacio Parmeggiani, she says, “Father, Jesus told me yesterday afternoon:
‘My daughter, pray for the salvation of Chinese communists. They are so bad. So far they have arrested ten Bishops. As I told you the other day, one of them is Mons. Guthberth O’Gara, Passionist Bishop of Nanking.’
Jesus made me see where this Passionist was. He was in a dark cell. The guards were threatening him but he remained silent looking towards Heaven. I was screaming and told those men: ‘You are bad.’
They threatened me but I was high above and they said, ‘She is the witch of the Pope. She is a witch!’
I told them, ‘Remember that one day you will be judged by the good Jesus. If you don’t do penance, you will go to Hell.’
They kept repeating, ‘Witch! Witch!’
Father, pray for the conversion of those lost brothers.”

Edvige also went to Moscow in bilocation and entered Stalin’s room in the Kremlin. She saw him move his fist saying, “I am the strong and terrible enemy of God.”
Edvige said that Stalin had such an ugly stare that it made you afraid to look at him. Vitalia remembers:
“One day I was in Edvige and Paulina’s house. We saw Edvige in deep prayer and heard her say: ‘You have to convert. But if you want to be God’s eternal enemy, you will be.’ When she came out of the ecstasy, her sister asked her to whom she was talking and she answered that she had been to Stalin’s room in Moscow…to her invitation to convert, he had responded, ‘I will never convert. I will be God’s enemy forever.’”

On another occasion, St Sebastian wearing a Roman officer’s uniform came to Edvige and said, “Take 20,000 liras and come.”
Then in bilocation they went to a cave near San Buenaventura del Palatino where there was man about to commit suicide because he was unemployed. Saint Sebastian said,
“Stop. I am St. Sebastian and I have come to save you.”
The man dropped the gun. The saint said, “These two women have brought you 20,000 liras, which is all they have. I promise you that in two days you will find a job.”

Mystics of the Church

source :,,

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