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 Undergraduate thesis and all assignments had made me gone crazy. Lalalalalalala~~ I bet, there are so many grammar errors everywhere Lalalalala~ Whatever, I just want to spin words with Aimer's songs title Thanks for reading XDD Big hugs for all Aimer's fans XDD PS: Anyone, want to do the same with Unchild?
Nakari Amane - AI:MER Poem: By Fans, To Fans
"AI:MER" Poem 「AI:MER」 è©© Puisi "AI:MER" English Poem
I roam all alone into forest of sleepless nights So lonely, for lonely Where have you gone, my Polaris? I keep seeking for you in night without stars. I’m begging for your voice… Let me hear your words…. If I hadn’t met you, There wouldn’t be a snowy town in midsummer There wouldn’t be an Iris in winter Without knowing anything, just let my sorrows fly into aurora I wish you’re mine forever, my sweetest one But now, you’re gone into a broken night From now on, just in my bitter & sweet memories And I can’t smile like I used before Oh Wings of July, Please send out this melody of a tiny star cross over the night of six magnitude stars So, even after dark you could still hear my Re:pray PM 02:00 Lost in vain, gone into daydream PM 03:00 But I could see you, my midday star AM 02:00 After rain breeze gently sways my heart AM 03:00 There’s no way I will found you again, my midnight sun Someone, give me the sea to melt my frozen heart Without you, Even my wishes freeze into cold sun Even my desires shatter along with Venus’s Stardust Even heaven lost within this hollow world Oh StarRingChild, open the doors for me Let me found a ray of winter’s diamond in the midst of darkness I’ll go with night train to your star, so you’ll know that I’ve nothing to lose at all
Amane Nakari
Nemuri no Mori, Sleepless Nights Sabishikute Nemurenai Yoru wa, For Lonely Polaris Hoshi no Kieta Yoru ni VOICE Words Anata ni Deawanakereba ~Kasetsu Touka~ Yuki no Furumachi Iris Kanashimi wa Aurora ni Mine, My Sweetest One BroKen NIGHT Kyou Kara Omoide, Bitter & Sweet Egao Shichigatsu no Tsubasa Chiisana Hoshi no Melody Rokutousei no Yoru After Dark Re:pray Hakuchuumu AM 02:00, After Rain AM 03:00, Midnight sun Dareka, Umi wo Cold Sun Hoshikuzu Venus Even heaven, Hollow World StarRingChild, Open The Doors Fuyu no Diamond Yakou Ressha ~nothing to lose~ 

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